Receiver Record: L1/E1; Chirp Jamming Scenario; Trimble, 5-Minute

Observation file on L1/E1 frequency recorded by a TrimbleNetR5 in an open-sky environment using Trimble Zephir 3 antenna. In this scenario, a chirp jamming attack is being generated by the LOKI device.


  • Record Condition: Open sky, static
  • Length: ≈ 5 Minutes
  • Scenario: Chirp jamming (generated by a LOKI device via the cable)
    • Chirp bandwidth: 5 MHz
    • Chirp sweep time: 15 us

See also simultaneously recorded files

 30,99 incl. VAT

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Additional Simultaneous Records

Receiver Record: L1/E1; Chirp Jamming Scenario; GNSS1A1, 5-Minute

An NMEA file on L1/E1 frequency recorded by a GNSS1A1 under a chirp jamming attack and in a static position.  

 25,99 incl. VATAdd to basket

Sample: L1/E1; Chirp Jamming Scenario; SX3; 5-Minute

Sample package on L1/E1 frequency recorded by an SX3 front-end under a chirp jamming attack and in a static position.

 39,99 incl. VATAdd to basket

Receiver Record: L1/E1; Chirp Jamming Scenario; u-blox ZED-F9P, 5-Minute

UBX log data recorded file on L1/E1 frequency recorded by a u-blox ZED-F9P-01B-01 under a chirp jamming attack and in a static position.  

 27,99 incl. VATAdd to basket

Sample: L1/E1; Chirp Jamming Scenario; bladeRF, 5-Minute

Sample package on L1/E1 frequency recorded by a bladeRF front-end under a chirp jamming attack and in a static position.

 37,99 incl. VATAdd to basket


The Trimble NetR5 Reference Station is crafted as a multi-channel, multi-frequency GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver, serving both as an independent reference station and as an integral component within a broader GNSS infrastructure solution.


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