Innovating protective measures for safety-critical applications.
CATCH-IN CATCH-IN technologies and concepts for locating and tracking interference sources.
Investigation and implementation of sensor and monitoring approaches for the identification and localization of GNSS interference sources incl. field tests to investigate the quality of the approaches.
The reliance on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) for vital safety-critical infrastructure and emerging key technologies will only grow in the future. Presently, numerous essential services, including financial markets, telecommunications networks, power grids, road networks, and air traffic, already depend on GNSS for time and location data.
As a result, disruptions in GNSS signals can have substantial consequences, affecting both safety and the economy. GNSS interruptions can, for instance, lead to the unavailability of location-based services crucial for automating road traffic and digitizing infrastructure operations. In aviation and air traffic control, GNSS disruptions can elevate stress levels among flight personnel, particularly during approach phases.
Innovative Direction-of-Arrival (DoA) method using a rotating antenna
Within the framework of a nationwide monitoring system to combat frequency interference, the CATCH-IN project is dedicated to innovating protective measures for safety-critical applications reliant on radio wave reception. This includes case studies on GNSS utilization in aviation, safeguarding air traffic control, and collaborative systems in road traffic. The project explores a hybrid monitoring system that combines various sensor technologies, enabling real-time identification and localization of interference sources through an innovative Direction-of-Arrival (DoA) method using a rotating antenna. Additionally, the feasibility of using cost-effective SDR-based sensors for localization via Time-Difference of Arrival (TDoA) is being investigated.
Following this, the project will delve into assessing the significance of GNSS disruptions on air traffic control and aircraft operating in the take-off and landing zones of Graz Airport. The goal is to derive requirements for future monitoring systems. Concurrently, socio-scientific studies will analyze the stress experienced by flight personnel due to GNSS disruptions and their impacts on flight safety.
Overall, the project’s primary objective is to enhance understanding of interference, jamming, and spoofing occurrences and, simultaneously, to develop, implement, and study effective countermeasures.
The project was partly funded within the KIRAS program by the österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG), Vienna and financed by the Austrian Bundesministerium für Finanzen (BMF).
In collaboration with
- Austro Control Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt mbH
- Institut Luftfahrt, FH JOANNEUM
- BMLV – Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
- BMF – Bundesministerium für Finanzen
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