This initiative strives to unlock the potential of AltBOC signals and meta-signal processing, ultimately enabling highly accurate code-based positioning for mass-market user equipment.

HANDSCD Architectures for Wide-Band Meta-Signal Processing in low-cost Devices

The utilization of the broad spectrum signals within the lower GNSS L-band is poised to captivate the attention of mass-market user equipment (UE). This is primarily aimed at significantly enhancing the accuracy of code-based positioning in location-based services. Within this context, the E5 AltBOC signal holds particular significance as it boasts the widest bandwidth in this spectrum and stands as a key distinguishing feature of Galileo. However, harnessing the potential of this signal remains a challenge. Its conventional implementation, as seen in professional receivers, proves excessively intricate for mass-market UEs and falls short in harsh operating environments they often encounter.

Meta-signals and coming cost-effective user equipment

Concurrently, the notion of meta-signal processing has emerged within the GNSS community as an alternative approach to dealing with the complexities of wideband signal processing. The objective of this endeavor is to foster the development of innovative architectures and algorithms that facilitate AltBOC signal processing on early-stage, cost-effective UE prototypes. Through this, the aim is to achieve sub-meter level positioning accuracy, even in challenging propagation conditions.

The overarching goals of this initiative are as follows:

  1. Pioneering the development and demonstration of inventive concepts, techniques, and technologies to enable AltBOC/meta-signal processing for sub-meter level code-based positioning, especially within the context of handheld devices. This includes:
    a. Implementing signal processing techniques designed to mitigate the impact of impairments stemming from lower-grade antennas and RF front-ends.
    b. Evaluating the accuracy attained by these implemented solutions across various scenarios, utilizing live GNSS signals, with a focus on representative urban and deep-urban vehicular conditions.
    c. Continuously enhancing and refining the accuracy, efficiency, and practicality of the implemented solutions throughout the project’s iterative phases.
  2. Conceiving and putting into practice a versatile concept demonstrator (CD) founded on low-cost user equipment, serving as a proof of concept for the identified technologies. This demonstrator should support at least three distinct tracking modes:
    a. Single side-band tracking, exemplified by E5a narrowband.
    b. Double side-band tracking, involving combinations like E5a + E5b narrowband post-correlation.
    c. Wide-band tracking, as represented by E5 AltBOC.

In summary, this initiative strives to unlock the potential of AltBOC signals and meta-signal processing, ultimately enabling highly accurate code-based positioning for mass-market user equipment, even in challenging propagation conditions.

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