Measures for ensuring the security of airspace for governmental organisations with security tasks

SILBOS Measures for ensuring the security of airspace for governmental organisations with security tasks

The swift advancement of small unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is propelling substantial growth in the commercial sector, creating an imbalanced threat landscape. This imbalance arises when UAS can potentially be employed for malicious purposes, while existing defense capabilities prove inadequate. In the past, expertise in UAS operation was paramount, but today, readily available commercial products have simplified the potential for malevolent use.

UAV as potential threats

Moreover, technology forecasts anticipate increased autonomy in UAS during their next developmental phase. Considering this, alongside the ever-evolving threat landscape, it becomes imperative to recognize UAS as potential threats. This issue has received inadequate attention from both research and industry, especially within the civil sector, resulting in a dearth of satisfactory solutions.

Building upon the insights gathered from the 2015 G7 Summit and Bilderberg Meeting, where public stakeholders participated, this proposed project addresses the technological, legal, and ethical challenges associated with UAS. These challenges serve as the foundation for further research and development, leveraging real-world scenarios relevant to authorities.

Analysis of semi-automatic tools for decision-making for authorities

The primary objective of this project was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the threats posed by UAS, considering technological, legal, and ethical dimensions. From a technological standpoint, the project centers on semantic scene understanding, scene interpretation, and the detection of potential threats using artificial intelligence. This information will facilitate the creation of semi-automatic tools that aid decision-making for authorities and enable the identification and development of appropriate measures for situation-specific proactive intervention.

From ethical and legal perspectives, the project assessed how authorities can intervene effectively to mitigate potential threats while adhering to legal standards. The project’s outcomes was demonstrated through relevant scenarios for authorities, showcasing a functional technology platform.

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